Contractual and Corporate Disputes

Proactive Approach

Contractual disputes can quickly turn into protracted, costly and unpleasant litigation. We take a proactive approach to managing contractual disputes. We believe many issues can be avoided by employing ‘watertight’ contracts that can withstand scrutiny and stem the threat of litigation.

However, when a dispute does arise, we work with you to actively pursue the most appropriate dispute strategy to encourage an early and effective resolution.

Our firm can provide the full range of services arising out of contractual disputes, including advising on prospects and procedural options, drafting statutory demands and claims, conducting negotiations, instituting and conducting recovery proceedings, and providing representation in litigation, arbitration and mediation proceedings.

We also specialize in Corporate Litigation and Governance. Our work involves corporate disputes such as breach of contract and warranty cases, disputes over the proper construction of agreements, shareholder disputes, disputes over joint ventures, and post-mergers and acquisitions disputes. In addition, we regularly advise on corporate governance related litigation, for example, shareholder activism battles, disputes on public take-over bids and squeeze-out procedures. We recognize that prevention is better than cure and regularly advise clients on risk management issues.

We know that corporations today want lawyers who understand their business and we take the time to do just that, combining sector expertise with a broad geographical reach. Our experience shows us a large number of corporate transactions trigger litigation and require support in the preparatory and execution phases. We appreciate that an approach to a particular legal problem needs to be not only the best solution to that specific problem but also one that does not harm other aspects of the client's business. Our experience enables us to find practical and tailored solutions to the problems of international corporate clients as well as smaller enterprises across all industry sectors.